Pillow Covers On A Budget

One of the easiest and fastest ways to update any room is by changing out your pillows. Pillows on a sofa or a bed adds that hygge factor to any room. It is the number one thing that I focus most in my home. A space without pillows just feel so bare and empty. I love buying covers because you can use old cushions and they are just so easy to replace.

Now that I have that Spring itch and even though it’s still 30 degrees outside, I wanted to change up some of the pillows and add color to the living room. Since I’m always looking for deals online, I found the cutest pink pillow cover… I had to grab them quick. The best part is that they are so budget friendly and only $5.99 each!

I really wanted to get rid of most of the black pillows from my sofa so I put away the black pillow cover I had clustered in the middle corner of the sofa and just replaced it with one of the cream ones I had on the outer corners. I then paired the new pink ones with the over sized pillows I already had.

The covers happened to match my faux fur blanket so well. It feels like it all ties in so well. I may look for another pillow to replace the fur leather pillow I have in the middle but there’s something about this pillow that I can’t seem to part with so we shall see.

Remember you don’t have to buy full pillows every time you want to change them out. I certainly don’t have space to store tons of pillows so covers are a great option. Even if you have a pillow that doesn’t have a zipper, you can still stuff it with a new pillow cover. I really like how a “chop-able” pillow looks, so I tend to stuff my 20×20 pillow covers with 24×24 pillow inserts so they look full and fluffy. I personally don’t like pillows that look flat.

Below I’m sharing my new pink pillow covers along with some other great pillow covers. I’m also linking my favorite feather filled inserts that I paired with most of these pillow covers.

Hope this post gave you some inspiration and thanks so much for being here!

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