Favorite Watering Cans

If you’ve been following me, you know that I’m a big fan of plants. I’ve been working hard for the last year and a half to learn all about how to keep them alive. I think I finally found the right routine that works for my little plant family. Even my kids love to water the plants with me.

I recently bought the cutest watering can and it made my life so much easier. I use to gather most of my plants in the sink and sometimes it would get a bit annoying especially when I have plants on the main floor and upstairs in the bedrooms. I saw watering cans in stores before but never jumped the gun and actually bought one, until now.

The key to watering them (in my opinion) is to water around on the outer soil and not directly on the actual plant. That way the roots get to absorb all the water. Last year I wrote a blog post all about my faux and real plants. You can read it HERE. Since then, I’ve added a few more plants to my plant family.

Below are some of my favorite plant canisters:


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